Offering Proven Expertise in Retirement Benefits Valuation and QDRO drafting.
Moon, Schwartz & Madden is a consulting firm that specializes in assisting individuals, family law attorneys and their clients in valuing and dividing the community/marital property interest in retirement benefits.
We provide court trusted divorce valuation of retirement plans in all community property and equitable distribution states, such as Texas, West Virginia & Illinois, as well as (Q)DROs in California, New Mexico & Idaho.
MSM is not a law firm, and therefore cannot provide legal advice of any kind to our clients, but we are considered experts by the court in the valuation and division of retirement benefits in divorce.
(925) 258-7100
(714) 430-8984
A closer look at In Re Marriage of Zamudio and the potential impact on the allocation of early retirement subsidies in divorce (PART I) (In Re Marriage of Zamudio, 2019 IL 124676)
A closer look at In Re Marriage of Zamudio and the potential impact on the allocation of early retirement subsidies in divorce (PART I) (In Re Marriage of Zamudio, 2019 IL 124676) [...]
Marital Property in Illinois Public Pension Plans (PART II): Actuarial Valuation, QILDROs and the QILDRO Discount
Marital Property in Illinois Public Pension Plans (PART II): Actuarial Valuation, QILDROs and the QILDRO Discount Part II of my article discusses the difference in the actuarial valuation of the marital [...]
Pension valuations in divorce: Actuarial valuation vs. Life Expectancy valuation explained.
Actuarial Standards of Practice (ASOPs) are guidelines established by the Actuarial Standards Board (ASB) for valuation experts to follow when performing professional services. ASOP No. 34 pertains to the selection and use of economic assumptions [...]
Gray Divorce – Helpful tips on understanding (Q)DRO income streams, pension valuations and survivor benefits.
Gray Divorce – Helpful tips on understanding (Q)DRO income streams, pension valuations and survivor benefits. The increase in divorce for people over the age of 50 has risen significantly in [...]
How to correctly value the community property interest in a public retirement plan such as the Public Employees Retirement Association of New Mexico
How to correctly value the community property interest in a public retirement plan such as the Public Employees Retirement Association of New Mexico Often clients wish to [...]
It’s a simple 401(k) QDRO, what could go wrong?
It's a simple 401(k) QDRO, what could go wrong? Although a qualified defined contribution plan QDRO is generally less complicated than a defined benefit plan QDRO, there are still areas [...]
Sacramento County Public Law Library
QDROS Explained:Understanding QDRO Provisions, Joinders, Judgment Language and Survivor Benefits John Madden co-owner of Moon, Schwartz and Madden, is a nationally known retirement benefits valuation expert. In this webinar, [...]
How to Get Started
Client Feedback
“Thank you (Mr. Schwartz) for your thorough and expert assistance.”
– A.W.
“MSM drafted my QDRO in a timely fashion and I appreciate it.”
– R.P.
“Thank you for extraordinary service.”
– M.W.
“John and you (Marla) were extremely helpful.”
– J.S.